Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Ok, something happened to this... wonder where the link went? I will investigate.

Why I love NYC

I just spent a week down at NYU for a Faculty Resource Network Summer seminar. The topic was "Art, Public Policy and Politics." It was an adventure for me as I do not usually get to read sociology or policy. I live in a world of ontological possibilities and reality is a nice place to visit. The best thing about the seminar was the range of experience and interest among the 24 participants. Around one table we had:

-working artists from Atlantic City to Puerto Rico

-museum founders and leaders

-academics in art history, sociology, psychology, economics, and rhetoric-- and of course, philosophy but just two of us

-librarians of architecture

-performance artists and art therapists

-well, and more than I can recall.

Each person reads, listens and comments from his or her own perspective so that made for some fascinating conversations to follow, although at times confusing for this bear with little brain.

Now, here are some photos from the city experience. I do not intend a narrative commentary but have some fun. Look for the photo album marked FRN@NYU.NYC