Monday, April 27, 2009

Goats- the answer to a lot of our problems

Ok, So my daughter has acquired a pet goat, actually Pan in disguise, who follows her around her garden and keeps her company as well as centered in the world. I want a goat. In fact, I am thinking that the world would be a better place if each person had to keep a goat. Goats need affirmation, by that I mean food, and something to do. Goats remind us that we are human and that other creatures exist in the world, thank you very much. Goats challenge mythologies of Satanic beings whose eyes and horns just happen, just happen, to be quite goat-like. Goats would take us out of ourselves, our cerebral centers of I-ness, and remind us that the world looks different through the eyes of other beings, including goats.

So, think about it. Why not a goat?